Following the
little bit of case surgery previously noted, the migration of my production unRAID server to MediaServer8 required a little more gentle persuasion.
unRAID version 6 beta 4 available, I thought it was time to transfer all my data from my old dual Xeon system. I had 8x 1TB data drives in the old server plus 1TB parity and 500GB. However, MediaServer8 currently only has 8 motherboard SATA connectors (plus a 2x port PCIe hard that's running recording and timeshiftimg drives for ArgusTV/MediaPortal).
So I needed to remove 2x data drives from my array. This is not such a big deal as I plan to upgrade drives to 4TB units over the coming months. I duly copied the data from the drives with least data and removed them from the array.
I ran a parity check on the old server and with all well, removed all the HDs. I downloaded unRAID 6b4 and, having saved my config directory, reformatted my MediaServer8 USB key, installed unRAID and copied back my config directory.